Matériaux à changement de phase dans les réfrigérateurs domestiques pour améliorer la qualité des denrées et prolonger les périodes d'arrêt du compresseur.
Phase change materials for domestic refrigerators to improve food quality and prolong compressor off time.
The method and design of a novel dual evaporator based domestic refrigerator with phase change materials (PCM) which provide thermal storage (TS) is presented. The usage of PCM as a TS will help to improve the COP of new refrigeration cycle by introducing a new sub cooling routine. This improvement by sub cooling can be done for single evaporator refrigeration system or with even a dual evaporator system for a refrigerator/freezer combination. Because of prolonging of the compressor off time by using the latent heat of energy of the PCM we can have better food quality due to lower hysteresis cycles of on/off for a given period of operation. The authors have made system level modelling of the freezer/fresh food type domestic refrigerator and have also simulated the energy consumption using the new refrigeration cycle with sub cooling using PCM. Based on system design and modelling the authors have made experimental refrigerator prototype with new refrigeration cycle with PCM based TS and heat exchangers in the freezer and fresh food section. Test results and improvements in food quality are also presented. The energy efficiency results are also discussed.
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- Titre original : Phase change materials for domestic refrigerators to improve food quality and prolong compressor off time.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 2011-0218
- Langues : Anglais
- Date d'édition : 12/07/2010
- Source : Source : Proc. 2010 int. Refrig. Air Cond. Conf., Purdue Univ.
n. 2192; 8 p.; fig.; tabl.; 6 ref.
Thèmes :
Mesures thermodynamiques;
Qualité et sécurité alimentaires. Microbiologie.;
Transfert de chaleur;
Stockage d'énergie thermique;
Systèmes frigorifiques indirects;
Applications domestiques (réfrigérateurs, congélateurs);
Frigoporteurs diphasiques (MCP, coulis de glace…) - Mots-clés : Produit alimentaire; Tout ou rien; Réfrigerateur domestique; Qualité; Sous-refroidissement; PCM; Matériau; Experimentation; Évaporateur; COP; Changement de phase; Compresseur; Stockage d'énergie thermique
Modelling of a thermal storage refrigerator.
- Auteurs : MARQUES C., DAVIES G., EVANS J. A., et al.
- Date : 21/08/2011
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : Proceedings of the 23rd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Prague, Czech Republic, August 21-26, 2011. Overarching theme: Refrigeration for Sustainable Development.
- Formats : PDF
Voir la fiche
Application of phase-change materials to domest...
- Auteurs : MARQUES C., DAVIES G., MAIDMENT G., et al.
- Date : 01/09/2010
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : 9th Conference on Phase-Change Materials and Slurries for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. Proceedings: Sofia, Bulgaria, September 29-October 1, 2010.
- Formats : PDF
Voir la fiche
Numerical simulation of heat storage for domest...
- Auteurs : TORRAS S., LEHMKUHL O., RIGOLA J., et al.
- Date : 21/08/2011
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : Proceedings of the 23rd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Prague, Czech Republic, August 21-26, 2011. Overarching theme: Refrigeration for Sustainable Development.
- Formats : PDF
Voir la fiche
Household refrigerators and freezers with high ...
- Date : 02/04/2013
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : 2nd IIR International Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain. Proceedings: Paris, France, April 2-4, 2013.
- Formats : PDF
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Réfrigérateurs domestiques à haute inertie ther...
- Auteurs : LEDUCQ D.
- Date : 07/2013
- Langues : Français
- Source : Revue générale du Froid & du Conditionnement d'air - vol. 103 - n. 1135
- Formats : PDF
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