Document IIF

Mélanges de frigorigènes comme fluide actif d'un thermosiphon fermé diphasique.

Refrigerant blends as a working fluid of a closed two-phase thermosiphon.


This paper investigates the heat transfer characteristics of a closed two-phase thermosyphon using refrigerant blends as the working fluid. The selected working fluids were HP62 (or R404A which is a near azeotropic blend of HFC-125/HFC-143a/HFC-134a with 44/52/4% by mass) and MP39 (a blend of HCFC-22/HFC-152a/HCFC-124 with 3/13/34% mass). The mathematical model proposed by Shiraishi et al. (1982) was employed to predict the temperature distribution of a thermosiphon. The temperature distribution from the experimental results matched the prediction from the model satisfactorily, as did the overall thermal resistance of the thermosiphon.

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  • Titre original : Refrigerant blends as a working fluid of a closed two-phase thermosiphon.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2000-1305
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : 20th International Congress of Refrigeration: Refrigeration into the Third Millennium.
  • Date d'édition : 19/09/1999


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