Optimisation d'un système de conditionnement d'air en toiture d'un bus entraîné par le moteur principal.

Optimization of a main engine driven roof top bus air conditioning system.

Numéro : pap. 2510



This paper presents a design optimization study of a main engine driven roof top bus air conditioning system using a thermo economic approach. The design optimization is conducted by investigating the effect of geometrical and operational parameters of bus air conditioner system (Compressor, Condenser and Evaporator) which have a significant influence on the performance. Two objective functions including the total exergy destruction of the system (as a thermodynamic criterion) and the total product cost of the system (as an economic criterion), have been considered. Since these objectives are conflicting, no single design will satisfy both simultaneously, a multi-objective optimization procedure is used to find optimal design values for design variables. Three scenarios including a single-objective thermodynamic optimized, a single-objective economic optimized and a multi-objective optimized are studied and compared with the base line. Detailed simulation models are typically complex and computationally demanding. An optimization algorithm requires several evaluations of such models, so response surface based metamodels for objective functions were used to save computational effort. A goal programming based optimization tool is used for multi-criteria optimization. In the case of multi-objective optimization, the Pareto frontier is generated to give guidance on the optimal trade-off on the multi objectives and aid the decision-making process for selection of the final solution. Using Multi objective optimization, 4% product cost reduction and 36% exergy reduction translating to 21% running cost reduction could be achieved simultaneously. The results have shown that the multi-objective design more acceptably satisfies generalized engineering criteria than other two single-objective optimized designs.

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Pages : 10 p.


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  • Titre original : Optimization of a main engine driven roof top bus air conditioning system.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30013305
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : 2014 Purdue Conferences. 15th International Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Conference at Purdue.
  • Date d'édition : 14/07/2014


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