Document IIF
Prédiction de la condensation et de l'évaporation dans des tubes à micro-ailettes et à microcanaux.
Prediction of condensation and evaporation in micro-fin and micro-channel tubes.
Auteurs : WEBB R. L., ZHANG M.
Hydraulic diameters as small as 1 millimetre are of interest. To date, the Shah correlation has been well accepted for prediction of condensation in plain tubes. This work shows apparent deficiencies of the Shah equation at higher values of p/p(cr). An improved predictive model based on the two-phase heat-momentum transfer analogy is described. This is called the "equivalent Reynolds number model". Use of the new model requires prediction of the single-phase heat transfer coefficient and the two-phase pressure gradient. For condensation in micro-fin tubes, both vapour shear and surface tension forces contribute to the condensing coefficient. The equivalent Reynolds number model predicts the vapour shear component. An existing theory of Adamek and Webb is applicable for the surface tension contribution.
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- Titre original : Prediction of condensation and evaporation in micro-fin and micro-channel tubes.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 1999-0768
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : Heat Transfer Issues in Natural Refrigerants
- Date d'édition : 06/11/1997
- Document disponible en consultation à la bibliothèque du siège de l'IIF uniquement.
Voir d'autres communications du même compte rendu (1)
Voir le compte rendu de la conférence
- Thèmes : Transfert de masse
- Mots-clés : Surface augmentée; Tube microailette; Microcanal; Transfert de masse; Tube; Transfert de chaleur; Simulation; Évaporation; Condensation
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- Langues : Anglais
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