Pression de vapeur des mélanges de R410A/huile et R407C/huile.
Vapor pressure of R410A/oil and R407C/oil mixtures.
Auteurs : JENG Y. R., CHANG C. S., WANG C. C.
Type d'article : Article
An experimental study was carried out to examine the vapour pressure of R410A and R407C in the presence of lubricant oil. The grades of the tested lubricants are ISO-32 and ISO-100. For R410A, the vapour pressure decreases with the increase of oil concentration, and it is found that there are no significant changes of vapour pressures for the presence of lubricant oils for temperatures lower or equal to 25 °C. For R407C, the change of vapour pressure with oil concentration is comparatively small; this phenomenon is related to the zeotropic nature of R407C.
- Titre original : Vapor pressure of R410A/oil and R407C/oil mixtures.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 2002-0031
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : Applied Thermal Engineering - vol. 21 - n. 8
- Date d'édition : 06/2001
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Thèmes :
Mélanges - Mots-clés : Pression de vapeur; R410A; R407C; Mesure; Mélange; Huile; Frigorigène
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