Recherche sur l’effet d’injection à travers une fente d’injection étroite dans un compresseur monovis.

Research of the injected effect by the narrow-slit injection orifice in a single screw compressor.

Numéro : pap. L77

Auteurs : XIE J., ZHANG W., CHANG L., et al.


The efficiency of the compression process in oil-injection single screw compressors depends on the heat transfer between oil and compressed gas. The amount of heat transfer is related with many parameters such as oil inlet temperature, mode of oil injection, etc. A narrow-slit injection orifice (the section is slit shaped) in single screw compressors is described in this paper. The heat transfer area is increased for the reason that oil is injected as a curtain shape. Simulation of the injected effect through the CFD software and experiments are carried out. The study verified the accuracy of the simulation results. It will provide a theoretical foundation for the design of the narrow-slit injection orifice in single screw compressors.

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Pages : 8


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  • Titre original : Research of the injected effect by the narrow-slit injection orifice in a single screw compressor.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30022136
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : 8th international conference on compressors and refrigeration, 2017.
  • Date d'édition : 20/07/2017


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