Refroidir durablement les bâtiments en Europe : explorer les liens entre adaptation au changement climatique et atténuation de ses effets, et leurs impacts sociaux.
Cooling buildings sustainably in Europe: exploring the links between climate change mitigation and adaptation, and their social impacts.
Auteurs : QUEFELEC S.
Type de monographie : Rapport
Across Europe, rising temperatures, combined with an ageing population and urbanisation, mean that the population is becoming more vulnerable to heat and that demand for cooling in buildings is rising rapidly. Buildings, as long-lasting structures, can offer protection from heatwaves and high temperatures if appropriately designed, constructed, renovated and maintained. The summer of 2022, with its successive long heatwaves and high energy prices, may have raised the sense of urgency given to the alleviation of heat stress. But there is a gap in knowledge on the extent of overheating in buildings and data and information is scarce regarding the share of EU citizens unable to keep their homes comfortably cool during the summer. This briefing examines key elements of sustainable cooling policy, and its potential impacts on vulnerable groups, by reducing health risks, inequalities and summer energy poverty.
- Titre original : Cooling buildings sustainably in Europe: exploring the links between climate change mitigation and adaptation, and their social impacts.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 30030374
- Langues : Anglais
- Sujet : Généralités
- Édition : EEA (European Environment Agency)
- Mention d'édition : Briefing no. 20/2022
- Date d'édition : 11/2022
- ISSN : 2467-3196
- ISBN : 978-92-9480-511-9
- DOI :
Thèmes :
Conditionnement d'air : généralités;
Généralités sur l'environnement (changements climatiques, appauvrissement de l'ozone…);
Efficacité energétique, économie d'énergie - Mots-clés : Réchauffement planétaire; Europe; Conditionnement d'air; Immeuble d'habitation; Consommation d'énergie; Économie d'energie; Efficacité énergétique; Refroidissement passif; Durabilité
- Périodicité : Mensuelle
- Édition : MDPI - Suisse
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