Document IIF

Refroidisseurs d'eau à ammoniac dans le domaine du bâtiment.

Water chillers with ammonia for building services.

Auteurs : PEARSON A.


In recent years several successful projects in the City of London have proved ammonia to be a viable alternative to standard chillers, particularly where there is an emphasis on reliability or energy efficiency, or where there are particular constraints such as noise or space which predicate the design of a special package. Ammonia is not, however, the correct choice for all applications. This paper addresses the design issues which need to be considered before selecting ammonia, and then provides guidelines on how best to incorporate the chillers into the building. Further developments which would make ammonia more widespread are also discussed.

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Pages : 2005-2


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  • Titre original : Water chillers with ammonia for building services.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2006-1100
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : Ammonia Refrigerating Systems, Renewal and Improvement.
  • Date d'édition : 06/05/2005


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