Document IIF

Régulation auto-adaptable par logique floue d'un système de conditionnement d'air, fondée sur un algorithme de réseau.

Self-adaptive fuzzy control of air conditioning system based on genetic algorithm.

Auteurs : WANG F. H., YU B. F., WANG Z. G., et al.


Parameters change of room objects have a great influence on the effect of fuzzy controlled air conditioner. In this paper, self-adaptive fuzzy control of air conditioning system based on genetic algorithms is presented. This method is composed of a new type of mixed parameters identification algorithm and genetic optimizing algorithm of variable population size so that on-line self adjust of scaling factors could be realized. Simulation results prove the effectiveness of this method.

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  • Titre original : Self-adaptive fuzzy control of air conditioning system based on genetic algorithm.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2000-1524
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Date d'édition : 19/09/1999
  • Source : Source : Prepr. 20th int. Congr. Refrig., Sydney
    pap. 631; 7 p.; fig.; 7 ref.