Simulation conjointe pour la prévision de la performance des systèmes innovants faisant appel à l'énergie mécanique intégrés dans les bâtiments.
Co-simulation for performance prediction of innovative integrated mechanical energy systems in buildings.
Auteurs : TRCKA M.
Type de monographie : Thèse de doctorat
This thesis is an outcome of a PhD. research at the Eindhoven University of Technology that started in July 2003. During the 23rd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration, August 2011, Prague, Czech Republic, the author receieved the IIR Willis H. Carrier Medal Young Researchers Award for this work. The research underlying the thesis is concerned with investigation, development and implementation, numerical experimentation and usability testing, of co-simulation for performance prediction of innovative integrated mechanical energy systems in buildings. The main objective and the core issue of the research is how to properly define coupling and obtain accurate simulation results.
The main results of the research show that co-simulation facilitates rapid expansion of modelling capabilities of the state of the art BPS tools. It allows various aspects of buildings to be modelled and simulated in the most appropriate tools. Compared to the traditional approach it offers increased functionality and more flexibility for integrated simulation-based analysis of innovative HVAC system technologies.
Extract from the table of contents: state of the art in building systems simulation; co-simulation (principles and strategies; stability and accuracy; prototypes); validation; case studies (hybrid ventilation with evaporative cooling and run-around heat recovery; air solar heating for desiccant regeneration; earth-to-air heat exchanger coupled to a double-skin façade).
- Titre original : Co-simulation for performance prediction of innovative integrated mechanical energy systems in buildings.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 30002485
- Langues : Anglais
- Sujet : Environnement
- Édition : Eindhoven University Press - Pays-bas/Pays-bas
- Date d'édition : 2008
- ISBN : 9789038613666
Thèmes :
Conditionnement d'air : généralités;
Bâtiments écologiques;
Autres systèmes à économie / récupération d'énergie - Mots-clés : Logiciel; Immeuble; Ventilation; Conception; Régulation; Récuperation de chaleur; Prototype; Synthèse; Simulation; Système évaporatif; Modélisation; Étude de cas; Énergie solaire; Économie d'energie; Conditionnement d'air; Chauffage; Échangeur de chaleur
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- Formats : PDF
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Coupling and solving thermal and air flow pheno...
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