Simulation du régime transitoire global d'une pompe à chaleur à compression avec analyse modulaire.

Global unsteady state simulation of compression type heat pump with modular analysis.

Auteurs : OHNO K., SAITO K.


The efficiency of the compression type heat pump should be improved. However, in case of the low cooling load, the system is driven intermittently without the inverter control so that the performance of the system decreases greatly. Actual heat pumps are often working in this condition. Therefore, new design and control methods for this condition have to be developed to meet the demand of the energy savings. Therefore, the unsteady-state simulation code that can predict the global situation such as intermittent driving is demanded. This study constructs the unsteady state simulation model that can predict intermittent driving of the compression type heat pump and carries out the unsteady state simulation with the modular analysis. And the validity of this model is investigated by the experiment. As a result, for example, experimental data of the pressure were predicted with relative error less than 10%.

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  • Titre original : Global unsteady state simulation of compression type heat pump with modular analysis.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2011-0316
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : IIR/Eurotherm sustainable refrigeration and heat pump technology conference. Proceedings of the Eurotherm Seminar No. 88, Stockholm, Sweden, June 13-16, 2010.
  • Date d'édition : 13/06/2010


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