Document IIF
Système frigorifique à déshydratant liquide hybride au refroidissement évaporatif d'un système de conditionnement d'air : étude théorique
The theoretical study of the hybrid liquid desiccant evaporative cooling air-conditioning refrigeration circulation system.
Auteurs : LIU X., NIAN W. Q., ZHANG H. B.
This article presents a new hybrid evaporative cooling air-conditioning refrigeration system using two-stage liquid desiccant, and carries on the theoretical study on it. Compared with the conventional liquid desiccant air-conditioning refrigeration system, the new system adopts direct mixing heat transfer technology and evaporative cooling technology instead of water-cooled or air-cooled technology. Thus the cooling water usage is reduced. Using the two-stage adiabatic absorber and using refrigerant rather than water as the cooling medium of desiccant solution, the pressure difference of mass transfer is increased. Compared with the conventional system, the heat of regenerating solution is decreased because the mass ratio of air to desiccant solution is increased which gives rise to the decline of solution' s mass rate. The results of theoretical calculation show that the new system has the better performance in power consumption, usage of water and equivalent coefficient of performance than the conventional system.
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Pages : ICR07-E1-422
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20 €
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- Titre original : The theoretical study of the hybrid liquid desiccant evaporative cooling air-conditioning refrigeration circulation system.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 2008-0780
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : ICR 2007. Refrigeration Creates the Future. Proceedings of the 22nd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration.
- Date d'édition : 21/08/2007
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