Systèmes de conditionnement d'air des patinoires artificielles grâce à l'utilisation de la déshumidification.

[In Russian. / En russe.]

Auteurs : KOKORIN O. Â., IN'KOV A. P., TOVARAS N. V.

Type d'article : Article, Étude de cas


The calculations of air-conditioning regimes in closed premises of artificial rinks in summer and winter seasons are given. In contrast to traditional air-conditioning systems for skating rinks, in summer it is suggested to use for dehumidifying Munters apparatuses, the description of which is given. A schematic diagram and the principle of operation of the air-conditioning system of the ice arena with the use of the adsorption dehumidifier are also given.


  • Titre original : [In Russian. / En russe.]
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2007-1294
  • Langues : Russe
  • Source : Kholodilnaya Tekhnika - n. 11
  • Date d'édition : 2006


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