Document IIF

Transfert de chaleur convectif à partir d'une ailette poreuse anisotrope dans un échangeur de chaleur à plaques-ailettes.

Convective heat transfer from anisotropic porous fin in a plate-fin heat exchanger.


Anisotropic aluminium porous fin could be obtained by drilling holes in an isotropic foam metal. The axial holes fabricated in the foam metal aim to reduce pressure loss through the foam metal while maintaining similar heat transfer rates to the isotropic foam. The experiments are implemented for wide ranges of governing parameters: the hole arrangement such as straight and interrupted holes, the staggered position of holes, the hole spacing, and the diameter of holes.

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  • Titre original : Convective heat transfer from anisotropic porous fin in a plate-fin heat exchanger.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2000-1255
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Date d'édition : 19/09/1999
  • Source : Source : Prepr. 20th int. Congr. Refrig., Sydney
    pap. 164; 7 p.; fig.; 7 ref.