Document IIF
Transfert de chaleur lors de l'ébullition libre de différents mélanges frigorigènes à base d'huile sur un tube lisse poli au sable.
Pool boiling heat transfer of different refrigerant-oil mixtures on a sandblasted smooth tube.
Auteurs : MOHRLOK K., SPINDLER K., HAHNE E., et al.
The influence of a low-viscosity POE oil on the pool boiling heat transfer of R134a, R410A and R507 was studied. A sandblasted smooth tube was used for the measurements. The heat flux was varied up to 75 000 W/m2 and the oil mass fractions up to 10%. The boiling temperature range was between -28.6 and 20.1 °C. For the refrigerant-oil mixtures, the reduction of the heat transfer depended on the oil mass fraction and boiling temperature. At low boiling temperatures, improved heat transfer was measured for oil mass fractions up to 3%. The improvement reached up to 70% e.g. for the R507-oil mixture at a reduced pressure of 0.06 and a heat flux of 10 000 W/m2.
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- Titre original : Pool boiling heat transfer of different refrigerant-oil mixtures on a sandblasted smooth tube.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 2003-0673
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : Thermophysical Properties and Transfer Processes of New Refrigerants.
- Date d'édition : 03/10/2001
Voir d'autres communications du même compte rendu (60)
Voir le compte rendu de la conférence
Thèmes :
Transfert de masse;
Lubrifiants - Mots-clés : Ébullition libre; Environnement extérieur; Transfert de masse; Transfert de chaleur; Traitement; Tube lisse; Surface; Mélange; Huile; Frigorigène
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