Tubes ailetés des échangeurs de chaleur des conditionneurs d'air : évolution.

[In Japanese. / En japonais.]

Auteurs : KASAI K.

Type d'article : Article


Recent innovations in a finned tube heat exchanger which is commonly installed in air conditioning machines, are reviewed. In addition to the continuous developments of high-efficiency offset strip fins for air-side heat transfer enhancement, the heat transfer tubes with small diameter are studied actively in some air-conditioning systems manufactured to meet the requirements for HFC refrigerants. Increasing the volume of heat exchangers is another method used to extend the heat transfer area. In order to develop more efficient air conditioners, further innovation of heat transfer enhancement and accurate performance simulation to design optimal heat exchanger are considered to be the most important subjects.


  • Titre original : [In Japanese. / En japonais.]
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2001-2423
  • Langues : Japonais
  • Source : Refrigeration - vol. 75 - n. 878
  • Date d'édition : 12/2000
  • Document disponible en consultation à la bibliothèque du siège de l'IIF uniquement.


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