24e Conférence des Parties à la Convention-cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques en Pologne (en anglais)

La 24e Conférence des Parties à la Convention-cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques s'est tenue à Katowice, en Pologne, du 3 au 14 décembre. Didier Coulomb, directeur de l'IIF, y a présenté un communiqué.

The conference of the parties on climate change took place in Katowice (Poland) on December 2-15, 2018.The aim was to agree on the tools (measures, procedures) to apply the Paris agreement which shall enter into force in 2020. After long discussions, most of the decisions were taken. The next COP will take place in Chile in 2019 and shall finalise the preparation.

However, it was impossible to put contraints on the countries to increase their commitments to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases even if some countries made some promises.The IIR Director General delivered a statement1 during the high level segment of the conference on the impact of refrigeration on climate change and the current actions to improve the situation. That subject is currently largely ignored in the COPs even if the energy impact is important.

1 Read the statement.