Des indicateurs sur les emballages pour renforcer la sécurité alimentaire (en anglais)

Chromatic Technologies Inc. (CTI) a mis au point des encres qui indiquent quand le produit est resté trop longtemps hors du réfrigérateur et quand sa température a commencé à augmenter.
Chromatic Technologies Inc. (CTI) has developed inks that provide reminders when a product has been out of refrigeration and temperature has started to rise.
The patent-pending ‘reveal inks’ provide “return to fridge” reminders to products such as milk, yogurt, salsa, pickles and ketchup.

For example with milk, when it is at a safe temperature, the message reads “Drink Milk,” but when the carton reaches a target warm temperature (e.g. 4.4°C.), a color will disappear revealing a “return to fridge” reminder to the consumer.

These ‘reveal inks’ are powered by a combination of thermochromic inks and can be printed on cans, paper labels, cartons and films. CTI says they are applied with the standard ink printing process and are treated as an additional colour/ink station in printing.