La consommation électrique des centres de données devrait s'envoler à l'horizon 2030 (en anglais)

Des chercheurs suédois ont estimé l'évolution de la consommation d'électricité des centres de données jusqu'à 2030.
In their study on global electricity usage of communication technology, Swedish researchers have estimated the evolution of electricity consumption of data centres until 2030.

Data centres are expected to improve their electricity intensity. This seems, however, not enough to cope with about 25% annual growth rate for Global Data Centre IP Traffic. According to the authors, data centres will use around 3-13% of global electricity in 2030 compared with 1% in 2010. In the intermediate scenario, data centres are expected to consume 2967 TWh in 2030, representing 7.5% of the estimated global electricity consumption.

Since, according to the IIR1, cooling of data centre equipment currently represents about 50% of this consumption, it could account for almost 4% of the global electricity consumption by 2030.

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1 IIR Informatory Note The Role of Refrigeration in the Global Economy