Première réunion du groupe de travail de l'IIF sur la Sécurité des systèmes frigorifiques (en anglais)

Lors de la conférence Gustav Lorentzen à Valence en Espagne, le groupe de travail sur la sécurité des systèmes frigorifiques, présidé par Alexander Cohr Pachai, a tenu sa première réunion.

During the GL2018 conference, the IIR Working Group (WG) “Refrigeration Safety”, chaired by Alexander Cohr Pachai, held its first meeting. About 30 experts participated. After an introduction to the WG by A. C. Pachai, a presentation on safety, risks, accidents and standards in refrigeration and a presentation on safety in ammonia systems were made by H. Koening and N. Vestergaard.

The objectives of the WG include the collection of data and lessons learnt from recent accidents involving all refrigerants, the development of an IIR Guideline/IIR Note for risk evaluation processes for refrigeration systems, a review of the foundations for safe work environments for technical work, and a description of methods for risk mitigation.

All information related to this WG is available on the new dedicated web page on the IIR website at this link, or by contacting A. C. Pachai: