Une nouvelle solution pour le transport des produits thermo-sensibles (en anglais)

Une solution innovante pour le transport de produits thermo-sensibles appelée est désormais proposée à l'aéroport de Vienne.

An innovative new solution for transporting temperature-sensitive products called VIE Cool Handling is now being offered at Vienna Airport.

The airport teamed up with an Austrian automotive engineering company to create four new customised reefer trailers, which will improve the transport of temperature-sensitive air cargo. Every reefer trailer has a volume of 22 m3 and is adapted for standard containers, pallets or loose cargo. Each reefer trailer houses an integrated refrigeration unit that can be operated either electronically or with diesel fuel, meaning that a secure temperature level can be sustained during provisioning and transport on the airport apron, even in extreme weather conditions. The temperature of each reefer trailer can be adjusted individually, allowing the user to comply with international guidelines and standards and adapt the temperature appropriately to each product. Food, plants and medical supplies are the main temperature-sensitive products that are transported via Vienna Airport; temperatures of either +2 °C to +8 °C or +15 °C to + 25°C are needed.

This new transport solution ensures that products can be continuously handled at temperatures ranging from -20 °C to +29 °C without interrupting the cold chain.

See also: http://bit.ly/NL72-Times-of-Malta