Accumulation thermique pour un avenir durable : impact de l'amélioration de l'approvisionnement en électricité sur la performance de l'accumulation thermique.

Thermal energy storage for sustainable future: impact of power enhancement on storage performance.


Sustainable future may be reached by means of maximizing the use of renewable energies through energy storage solutions. Active thermal storage exploits the potential of storing low cost, off-peak thermal cooling and heating for use at later time. Many studies have been carried out for optimization of energy storage systems through proactive planning of storage capacity design, fine tuning of control systems, and realization of cost effective scenario modelling. In the field of latent heat based thermal energy storage with use of phase change materials (PCM), low material thermal conductivity has shown to be one of the main barriers for providing sufficient cooling and heating power to the system. Thus, despite the apparent benefit of PCM-technology when it comes to large storage energy density, practical implementation of the technology has been hampered in many cases. Although a large number of available power enhancing techniques have been reported, the influence of power enhancement to the energy storage capacity has so far not been thoroughly assessed. In this paper, the authors perform an evaluation of power enhancing solutions and their impact on thermal energy storage density through theoretical modelling of a set of enhancement techniques. The techniques considered are: extended surfaced heat exchangers with various fin geometries (e.g. radial fins around circular piping) as well as PCM enhanced through blending with high conductive materials. Results analyses show the importance of balancing usable power with storable energy in the design of power enhancement technology, so as to achieve the maximum storage capacity while maintaining required extraction power load.

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  • Titre original : Thermal energy storage for sustainable future: impact of power enhancement on storage performance.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2011-0232
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : IIR/Eurotherm sustainable refrigeration and heat pump technology conference. Proceedings of the Eurotherm Seminar No. 88, Stockholm, Sweden, June 13-16, 2010.
  • Date d'édition : 13/06/2010


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