Analyse comparative de systèmes frigorifiques à éjecteur et à raccord en té convergent

Comparative analysis on ejector and converging tee-driven refrigeration systems.

Numéro : 0301

Auteurs : KO G. S., RAZA W., PARK Y. C.


The growing need for thermal comfort has resulted in an increase in refrigeration systems and, as a result, increased electricity demand for these systems. Waste heat-driven devices for refrigeration systems appear to be a potential alternative to traditional compression-based refrigeration technologies for reducing energy consumption. These devices in the refrigeration cycle can be driven by waste heat (free or inexpensive low-temperature energy source) as the primary energy source instead of electricity. This study investigates the ejector-driven and converging Tee-driven refrigeration systems (EDRS & CTDRS) using waste heat, aiming to provide an alternative to traditional VCC. An experimental setup is developed with a 3.6 mm nozzle size of an ejector and a converging tee diameter of 12.7 mm. A comparative experiment was conducted to assess the coefficient of performance (COP). In terms of performance, the EDRS COP outperformed the converging-tee-driven refrigeration cycle. The results showed that the proposed concept is promising to develop an alternative to the traditional refrigeration cycle and heat recovery.

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Pages : 0301


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  • Titre original : Comparative analysis on ejector and converging tee-driven refrigeration systems.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30031122
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Sujet : Technologie
  • Source : 14th IEA Heat Pump Conference 2023, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Date d'édition : 15/05/2023


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