Analyse critique des travaux effectués sur la sorption des composés organiques volatils (COV) par les matériaux de construction.

A critical review on studies of volatile organic compound (VOC) sorption by building materials.

Auteurs : ZHANG J., CHEN Q., et al.


Authors found that existing sorption models can be generally classified into either first order adsorption/desorption rate models or equilibrium-interface models. The sorption of VOCs on building materials is usually measured by the widely used small-scale chamber test method. The sink strength can be affected by the chemical properties of VOCs, physical properties of materials, and environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity, and air velocity.


  • Titre original : A critical review on studies of volatile organic compound (VOC) sorption by building materials.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2003-0335
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : ASHRAE Transactions. 2002 Winter Meeting, Atlantic City, New Jersey. Volume 108, part 1 + CD-ROM.
  • Date d'édition : 2002
  • Document disponible en consultation à la bibliothèque du siège de l'IIF uniquement.


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