Document IIF
Analyse expérimentale et numérique d'un régénérateur magnétique actif alternatif à température ambiante.
Experimental and numerical analysis of a reciprocating room temperature active magnetic regenerator.
Auteurs : BOUR S., HAMM J. L., MICHOT H., et al.
This paper reports in detail analysis and comparisons between rigorous experimental results obtained with a room temperature magnetic refrigeration test device based on a pure reciprocating active magnetic regenerative refrigeration thermodynamic cycle (AMRR) and a 1D transient heat transfer and fluid dynamic numerical model where all thermodynamic parameters are taken into account, according to temperature and magnetic field. Gadolinium (Gd) was used as the magnetocaloric material. The regenerator consists of an arrangement of 0.6 mm thick parallel plates of Gd with a constant spacing of 0.1 mm. A specific fluid with attractive thermodynamic and anticorrosive properties was used. A magnetic device of about 1.1 T is used as the magnetization source. Results are promising and comparisons between experimental and computational approach confirm that the physical phenomena are well described by our model which can be used to investigate further and more deeply the different aspects and performance predictions of various AMRR systems.
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Pages : 2009-3
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20 €
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- Titre original : Experimental and numerical analysis of a reciprocating room temperature active magnetic regenerator.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 2009-1616
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : 3rd International Conference on Magnetic Refrigeration at Room Temperature
- Date d'édition : 11/05/2009
Voir d'autres communications du même compte rendu (67)
Voir le compte rendu de la conférence
Thèmes :
Froid calorique (froid magnétocalorique, électrocalorique, élastocalorique et barocalorique);
Autres systèmes de production de froid (dessiccation, thermoélectricité, thermoacoustique...) - Mots-clés : Comparaison; Réfrigerateur magnétique; Simulation; Propriété magnétique; Matériau; Gadolinium; Experimentation
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- Formats : PDF
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- Formats : PDF
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- Source : 3rd International Conference on Magnetic Refrigeration at Room Temperature
- Formats : PDF
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- Date : 11/05/2009
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : 3rd International Conference on Magnetic Refrigeration at Room Temperature
- Formats : PDF
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