Approche de la distribution de l’inductance par une loi de puissance pour la conception d’une aube de ventilateur axial à faible pression.
A power-law inductance distribution approach for low-pressure axial fan blade design.
Numéro : 2109
The paper puts forward a computer methodology for designing low-pressure axial fan blades for small-capacity refrigeration applications. Based on the blade element theory (BET), the aerodynamic efficiency of the airfoil, the principles of mass and momentum conservation together with empirical correlations for the flow irreversibilities, a mathematical model was devised for screening the blade geometric parameters (e.g., radial chord and pitch variation, and hub radius) by varying the fan inductance distribution for a given blade diameter, motor speed, and airflow system characteristic curve. The best blade configuration is selected by means of a tailor-made optimization algorithm and undergoes a series of linear transformations for translating the fan parametrization into a CAD drawing. Two new fan blades were designed, one for maximum blade efficiency (MBE) and another for maximum airflow rate (MAR). In comparison with the free-swirl design approach, a standard procedure adopted in the open literature, the proposed blades showed an efficiency and an airflow by 20% (MBE) and 14% (MAR) higher than the reference. The airflow characteristics of the new designs were also assessed by means of wind-tunnel testing, which confirmed an increase of 11% in the case of MBE design, while an enhancement of 10% was observed in the case of MAR design.
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Format PDF
Pages : 10 p.
- Titre original : A power-law inductance distribution approach for low-pressure axial fan blade design.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 30032976
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : 2024 Purdue Conferences. 19th International Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Conference at Purdue.
- Date d'édition : 17/07/2024
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