Atlas de la cryochirurgie.

Atlas of cryosurgery.

Auteurs : KORPAN N. N.

Type de monographie : Ouvrage


The use of low temperatures to destroy abnormal tissues, the basis of cryosurgery, is now being successfully applied in many branches of medicine, especially in the treatment of different malignancies. This atlas aims at presenting the fundamental aspects of modern cryosurgery and the advantages it offers to cancer patients compared to conventional surgical approaches. It includes definitions of the most frequently used terms, short descriptions of the historical and scientific background of cryosurgery as well as an outline of cryosurgical equipment and techniques. The whole spectrum of experimental and clinical cryosurgery and the results of cryosurgical treatment of tumors in, for example, the liver, lung, skin and bone is given. Over 1200 mostly coloured illustrations, collected from a wide variety of international sources, serve to demonstrate the cryosurgical approach. Extract from the table of contents: fundamental aspects of cryosurgery; experimental foundation of cryosurgery; basis of cryosurgical equipment and technology; basic cryosurgical techniques; experimental aspects; clinical aspects; tumor anaemia.


  • Titre original : Atlas of cryosurgery.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2002-2750
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Sujet : Généralités
  • Édition : Springer - Autriche/Autriche
  • Date d'édition : 2001
  • ISBN : 3211834494
  • Source : Source : 539 p. (24.5 x 32); fig.; phot.; index; EUR 180.
  • Document disponible en consultation à la bibliothèque du siège de l'IIF uniquement.