Comment l'isolation thermique est-elle mise en pratique ?

How is thermal insulation implemented into practice?



The application of thermal insulation in practice is of vital importance considering the energy efficiency and performance of a building. It affects thermal losses in winter and summer and therefore the energy consumption of the building. It furthermore affects thermal comfort and, not infrequently, indoor air quality by means of vapour condensation on thermal bridges. The qualities and properties of thermal insulation materials, as well as the way in which they are applied into practice determine to a great extent the success of the building's study. Still, there is no such as the 'perfect' insulation material for each and every application. The pro's and con's of the most widespread materials on the European market are presented in this paper.

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  • Titre original : How is thermal insulation implemented into practice?
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2010-0067
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : Zbornik radova. 40. Medunarodni kongres o grejanju, hladenju i klimatizaciji./ Proceedings. 40th International congress on HVAC&R.
  • Date d'édition : 02/12/2009


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