Comparaison de la performance de systèmes de froid à absorption à simple, demi et double effet en série et inversés, ainsi qu'à triple effet, fonctionnant avec le mélange NH3–LiNO3.

Comparison of the performance of single-effect, half-effect, double-effect in series and inverse and triple-effect absorption cooling systems operating with the NH3–LiNO3 mixture.


Type d'article : Article


This paper presents the performance comparison of five different configurations of absorption cooling systems operating with ammonia–lithium nitrate. The configurations are: i) single-effect, ii) half-effect, iii) double-effect in series, iv) double-effect inverse and v) triple-effect. Mathematical models were developed for each one of the systems. Coefficients of performance are reported for the systems as function of their main operating temperatures, such as: generation, absorption, condensation, and evaporation. The results showed that the lowest evaporator temperatures can be achieved with half-effect systems at the lowest generator temperatures with coefficients of performance around 0.3. The single-effect system is the simplest configuration since it requires fewer components in comparison to the other systems. Its coefficients of performance are almost twice higher than those obtained with half-effect systems but requiring higher generator temperatures. With double-effect systems it is possible to obtain coefficients of performance as high as 1.12 at condenser temperatures of 30°C but they need generator temperatures higher than 140°C to reach evaporator temperatures as low as -5°C. The highest coefficients of performance can be achieved with triple-effect systems but they are the most complex, they require the highest generator temperatures and they should be mainly used for air conditioning.


  • Titre original : Comparison of the performance of single-effect, half-effect, double-effect in series and inverse and triple-effect absorption cooling systems operating with the NH3–LiNO3 mixture.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30011621
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : Applied Thermal Engineering - vol. 66 - n. 1-2
  • Date d'édition : 05/2014
  • DOI :


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