Document IIF

Comparaison sur le plan énergétique d'une pompe à chaleur utilisée simultanément pour le refroidissement et le chauffage et d'une pompe à chaleur réversible classique.

Energy-based comparison between a heat pump for simutaneous heating and cooling (HPS) and a standard reversible heat pump.

Numéro : pap. ID: 687

Auteurs : BYRNE P., MIREL J., LENAT Y., et al.


This article presents a prototype of air-source heat pump for simultaneous heating and cooling (HPS) of small office and residential buildings. It works under three modes: heating, cooling and simultaneous heating and cooling modes. A special management of produced energy enables to improve average winter performance and to carry out defrosting without stopping the heat production. A R407C HPS prototype was built. Exergetic efficiency was measured for special operating points. The operations of the HPS and a standard reversible heat pump were then modelled using TRNSYS software. CO2 models were fund also pertinent because of the relative efficient DHW production and the important subcooling energy available. An exergy-based comparison is presented for the HPS and the reversible heat pump using R407C or CO2 as a working fluid.

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Pages : 8 p.


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  • Titre original : Energy-based comparison between a heat pump for simutaneous heating and cooling (HPS) and a standard reversible heat pump.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30002134
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : Proceedings of the 23rd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Prague, Czech Republic, August 21-26, 2011. Overarching theme: Refrigeration for Sustainable Development.
  • Date d'édition : 21/08/2011


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