Document IIF

Comportement des systèmes de chauffage dans les conditions non prévues par la conception et influence sur la performance prévue des pompes à chaleur.

The behaviour of heating systems at off-design conditions and the influence on heat pump design performance.

Auteurs : NIELSEN G.


The behaviour of heating systems, working at off-design conditions, has as a whole been neglected by practitioners and researchers alike. With increasing the use of heat pumps in heating systems, this lack of knowledge leads to systems that in their overall design has serious flaws, i.e. systems that are run poorly, systems where the heat pump capacity is too high, systems with unnecessary big radiators and systems where the heat pumps are designed for unnecessary high pressure levels. In this paper, the author shows that for a typical office building the use either of low temperature heating systems or high pressure class NH3 heat pumps, will only give an extra heat delivery of approximately 3%. The point is then, is the 3% worth the extra investment? The author shows that usually, from an economic point of view, it's not.

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Pages : 2007-2


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  • Titre original : The behaviour of heating systems at off-design conditions and the influence on heat pump design performance.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2007-2313
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : Ammonia Refrigeration Technology for Today and Tomorrow.
  • Date d'édition : 19/04/2007


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