Document IIF
Conception et développement d'un modèle de réfrigérateur à désaimantation adiabatique non cryogénique pour les futures missions spatiales ESA.
Design and development of a space engineering model cryogen free ADR for future ESA space missions.
Auteurs : HEPBURN I. D., BROCKLEY-BLATT C., COKER P., et al.
The design, development and qualification of an engineering model ADR system to cool cryogenic detectors to 30-50 mK for the proposed ESA XEUS mission is presented. This work has been performed under contract with ESA as part of its Technology Research Programme. The system is designed to be cooled via a 4-5 K space cryocooler. The system comprises a double ADR and a magnetically shielded detector volume. The ADR magnet consists of 10 superconducting coils in order to provide the required 3 T magnetic field while controlling the stray field in order to shield the detector area and the intended spacecraft. The system has been subjected to a qualification programme to ensure suitability for an Ariane 5 launch. The details of the system design, development and qualification are presented.
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Pages : 2006-3/ICEC II-B3
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- Titre original : Design and development of a space engineering model cryogen free ADR for future ESA space missions.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 2008-1516
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : Multiconference CryoPrague 2006 (9th Cryogenics 2006, ICEC 21, ICMC'06)
- Date d'édition : 17/07/2006
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- Source : Multiconference CryoPrague 2006 (9th Cryogenics 2006, ICEC 21, ICMC'06)
- Formats : PDF
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