Document IIF

Développement d'un cryostat onduleur supraconducteur basé sur l'effet thermosiphon.

Development of a superconducting undulator cryostat based on the thermosiphon effect.

Auteurs : ZHANG X., XU M., CHEN Z., YANG X., ZHAO T., YE R., BIAN X., GAO Y., LU H., GE R., ZHU Z., LI Y.

Type d'article : Article de la RIF


As a specific device for light production, undulators have been researched and developed since the third generation of synchrotron photon sources. Nowadays, superconducting undulators become a research hotspot. However, the cryostat, which is used to create a liquid helium temperature environment, often causes the failure of the superconducting undulator. In this paper, a cryostat for a superconducting undulator is designed and investigated. First, a new refrigeration distribution is proposed that can provide more excess cooling capacity at 4.2 K temperature. For the cooling of the superconducting magnet, a liquid helium circulation loop based on the thermosiphon effect is designed, which has no pump or any other moving parts. Next, based on high-temperature superconducting technology, six binary current leads are used to decrease the heat load. The beam chamber is cooled below 20 K to reduce possible effect on the magnet. In addition, for the tubes that connect the 4.2 K helium tank to the room temperature component, the thermoacoustic oscillation is studied. In the experiment, the superconducting magnet could be cooled and maintained at 4.2 K depending on the thermosiphon loop. No helium was discharged when the magnet went through a quench which generated large heat in a short time. There was no liquid helium consumption and the excess cooling capacity reached 2.2 W. The maximum magnet current is as high as 470 A. This study can provide a valuable reference for the development of superconducting undulator cryostats.

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Pages : 86-94


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  • Titre original : Development of a superconducting undulator cryostat based on the thermosiphon effect.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30032405
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Sujet : Technologie
  • Source : International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 164
  • Date d'édition : 08/2024
  • DOI :


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