Document IIF

Ebullition en convection forcée des mélanges fluide frigorigène-huile : mesures de coefficient de transfert à l'aide de méthodes inverses.

Flow boiling of refrigerant-oil mixtures: inverse methods for heat transfer coefficient measurements.


A test section and numerical methods for the determination of the distribution of the heat transfer coefficient at the inner surface of a smooth tube are presented. Test data show the influence of a commercial ISO Grade 68 lubricant on flow boiling of refrigerant R134a. The sensitivity of the boundary element method due to measurement errors is discussed.

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  • Titre original : Flow boiling of refrigerant-oil mixtures: inverse methods for heat transfer coefficient measurements.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2000-1223
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : 20th International Congress of Refrigeration: Refrigeration into the Third Millennium.
  • Date d'édition : 19/09/1999


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