Environnement thermique et analyse exergétique du système à faible exergie avec pré-refroidissement de l'air de ventilation et refroidissement radiatif utilisant de l'eau de source.

Thermal environment of the low-exergy system combined with pre-cooling of ventilation air and radiative cooling using well water and its exergy analysis.

Numéro : 789



The purpose of this paper is to grasp how the combination between radiative cooling and pre-cooling of ventilation air using well water can realise both low exergy consumption and thermal comfort. Followings were found by the field testing, the computer simulation and the exergy analysis. 1) The pre-cooling of outside air enable us to realise radiative cooling without moisture condensation on interior walls surfaces. 2) The room air temperature has been kept less than 30.8oC, the mean radiative temperature less than 27°C with electricity use of 304W alone, even if the highest outside air temperature reaches almost 38°C. 3) The SET* of the room with radiative cooling varies 21~27°C in an ordinary summer’s climate. 4) In the case of working from 12:00 to 15:00, the dairy electricity use of the space cooling system is equivalent to 21.6% of the electricity use of air-conditioners with set point temperature 29°C. 5) This system firstly consumes the cool exergy of the well water in dispersing of heat from the outside air incoming to the well water and secondly consumes the exergy in dispersing of heat from the interior walls surfaces and the room air to the radiative cooling wall. This means such a cascade-consumption of exergy can prevent waste of exergy and realise the multifunctional space cooling.

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Pages : 10 p.


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  • Titre original : Thermal environment of the low-exergy system combined with pre-cooling of ventilation air and radiative cooling using well water and its exergy analysis.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30009935
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : Clima 2013. 11th REHVA World Congress and 8th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings.
  • Date d'édition : 16/06/2013


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