Étude des impacts de l’évolution de la consommation de HFC dans les pays visés à l'article 5 du protocole de Montréal.

A Study on the Impacts of HFC Consumption Trends in Article 5 Countries.

Auteurs : Climate and Clean Air Coalition

Type de monographie : Rapport


As part of the workplan agreed under the workstream to complement the implementation of the Kigali Amendment, the Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (CCAC) has commissioned a study to provide a profile of current and projected hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) consumption in Montreal Protocol Article 5 countries (developing countries), and to outline opportunities for near-term control or reduction of HFC consumption. The aim of the study is to inform stakeholders on the potential benefits of an accelerated/optimized HFC phase-down and identify likely countries and sectors for near-term action.
This report presents the findings of the HFC consumption assessment of Article 5 countries in the Montreal Protocol. The study was conducted from October 2021 to June 2022 based on publicly available information on HFC consumption in various Article 5 countries.

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Pages : 91 p.

