Document IIF

Étude du gradient de pression d’un mélange zéotrope de frigorigènes alternatifs à faible PRP à l’intérieur d’un tube à multiples mini-canaux rectangulaires.

Study of the pressure gradient of alternative low GWP alternative refrigerants zeotropic mixture inside mini-sized rectangular multiple channel tube.

Numéro : 1094

Auteurs : HOANG N. H., OH J. T., KIM J. K.


Mini channel tube is the state-of-the-art design for compact and high efficiency heat exchanger. However, their enhancement of heat transfer rate comes with the cost of increased frictional pressure drop. With the introduction of new low GWP alternative refrigerant, the pressure drops of these new working fluids inside mini-channel must be known as a basis for application in engineering design. In this work, the pressure gradient of alternative refrigerant inside channel is investigated at a range of mass flux and heat flux. The data is compared against correlation within literature for the engineering application.

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Pages : 7 p.


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  • Titre original : Study of the pressure gradient of alternative low GWP alternative refrigerants zeotropic mixture inside mini-sized rectangular multiple channel tube.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30032570
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Sujet : Alternatives aux HFC
  • Source : 8th IIR International Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain. Proceedings: June 9-11 2024
  • Date d'édition : 11/06/2024
  • DOI :


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