Étude expérimentale des fuites et de la performance de diffusion du frigorigène R32 inflammable dans un conditionneur d’air split.

[In Chinese. / En chinois.]

Auteurs : JIN W., ZHANG N., ZHANG Y., et al.

Type d'article : Article


R32 is a potential alternative refrigerant for its environmental protection capability and thermal performance. But the slight flammability limits its application. Therefore, safety analysis is needed. This paper studied the influence of different leakage locations and rates on the indoor R32 distribution with air conditioner operating, and obtained the R32 leakage and diffusion characteristics. It showed that the leakage at the evaporator of indoor unit can be divided into two processes, fast leakage stage and slow. Outlet leakage of the evaporator is more dangerous than the inlet. And only large leakage flow in evaporator outlet can
cause high R32 concentration near the indoor unit, reaching 16.79% , which exceeds the lower flammable limit (14.4%) 16.6%. If flammable concentration exists for 22 s, the fire probability exists but it's low. Air exhausting can decrease the concentration of indoor R32 effectively.

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Pages : 10-16


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