Étude expérimentale des propriétés PVTx d'un mélange quasi-azéotropique de frigorigènes R290/R134a.

[In Chinese. / En chinois.]

Auteurs : YANG X., QI Y., CHEN W., et al.

Type d'article : Article


In order to get the therrnophysical properties of mixed refrigerants RI34a/R290, the author built PVTx experimental system
with high accuracy. Based on the Burnett method, the author measured the PVT properties of RI34a/R290 with mass fraction 50%/
50%, 55%/ 45%, 60%/ 40% in the range of 252 K -320 K, and fitted the gas virial equation of these mixed refrigerants. The average
error between experimental data and equation is about 1 % . It turned out that the experimental data agreed well with the equations.

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Pages : 76-81


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