Étude thermodynamique d'une centrale de traitement de l'air à déshydratant à l'aide du logiciel THERMOPsychro.
Thermodynamic study of a desiccant air-handling unit using THERMOPsychro software.
Numéro : 119
Auteurs : ZUECO J.
The exergy analysis of thermal systems is a methodology whose principles are clear. However, its application to air conditioning systems has not been sufficiently extended, perhaps due to the difficult understanding of the exergy concept in these cycles and the diversity of criteria for the definition of the reference temperature for the calculation of the irreversibilities in the different elements that compose the installation. In this work the thermodynamic study of an air conditioning cycle with dehumidification by rotary desiccant is presented, using the THERMOPsychro software. The energy and exergy diagrams of the global installation are obtained, identifying the elements where the highest exergy destruction and the lowest exergy efficiency are obtained, indicating the possible improvement actions necessary to try to reduce these losses due to irreversibilities and to contribute to their optimization and to a more rational use of energy.
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Format PDF
Pages : 6
- Titre original : Thermodynamic study of a desiccant air-handling unit using THERMOPsychro software.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 30030435
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : XI Congreso Ibérico y IX Congreso Iberoamericano de Ciencias y Técnicas del Frío, CYTEF 2022.
- Date d'édition : 04/2022
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