Document IIF

Performances exergo-économiques d'un système de conditionnement d'air évaporatif à déshydratant à différentes températures de régénération et de référence.

Exergoeconomic performances of the desiccant-evaporative air-conditioning system at different regeneration and reference temperatures.

Auteurs : ENTERIA N., YOSHINO H., MOCHIDA A., et al.

Type d'article : Article, Article de la RIF


This paper presented the exergoeconomic evaluation of the developed desiccant-evaporative air-conditioning system. The developed system was evaluated based on the steady-state conditions at different regeneration and reference temperatures. The exergoeconomic evaluation method was implemented to the system components and the whole system to evaluate the exergy efficiency, exergy destruction ratios, cost rates, relative cost differences and exergoeconomic factors. The regeneration and reference temperatures affected the exergy efficiencies, exergy destruction ratios, cost rates, relative cost differences and exergoeconomic factors. The desiccant wheel, heating coil and evaporative cooler had a high cost rate (investment cost, operation and maintenance cost, and exergy destruction cost). The exit air fan, outdoor air fan and evaporative cooler had a high relative cost difference. The exit air fan, outdoor air fan and secondary heat exchanger had a high exergoeconomic factor. Replacement of the desiccant wheel with a higher dehumidification performance could decrease the high cost rate. A higher efficiency evaporative cooler and heating coil were needed. Cheaper air fans (outdoor air fans and exit air fans) were needed.

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Pages : 81-98


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  • Titre original : Exergoeconomic performances of the desiccant-evaporative air-conditioning system at different regeneration and reference temperatures.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30014809
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 56
  • Date d'édition : 08/2015


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