Evaporation par contact direct lors des régimes d'ébullition homogènes et hétérogènes. 1. Analyse expérimentale.

Direct-contact evaporation in the homogeneous and heterogeneous bubbling regimes. 1. Experimental analysis.

Auteurs : RIBEIRO C. P. Jr, LAGE P. L. C.

Type d'article : Article


Using the air-water system, transient experimental measurements of liquid temperature, bubbling height, evaporation rate, gas hold-up and bubble size distributions in a direct-contact evaporator were performed for four gas superficial velocities including operation in both homogeneous and heterogeneous bubbling regimes. Perforated and porous plates were used as spargers. Significant effects of both the sparger and the gas flow rate upon the equipment performance were verified and systematically analysed, revealing some rather interesting features of transient non-isothermal bubbling, such as temporal evolution of bubble size distributions and gas hold-up values. (See also this Bulletin, reference 2005-0628.)


  • Titre original : Direct-contact evaporation in the homogeneous and heterogeneous bubbling regimes. 1. Experimental analysis.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2005-0627
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer - vol. 47 - n. 17-18
  • Date d'édition : 08/2004


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