Evolution de la ventilation moderne. Ventilation 2000. Compte rendu du 6e Symposium international sur l'utilisation de la ventilation pour le contrôle des contaminants.

Progress in modern ventilation. Ventilation 2000. Proceedings of the 6th International symposium on ventilation for contaminant control.

Date : 1900.01.01


These proceedings contain 173 communications and posters submitted to this symposium, which was financially supported by the Finnish Work Environment Fund and the European Commission, COST, held in Helsinki, Finland, June 4-7, 2000. They give a broad overview of the current situation in the field of industrial ventilation. Extract from the table of contents: progress in technological key areas; computational fluid dynamics; air distribution in large premises; performance evaluation; leading edge technologies; local ventilation; visualization and measurements; target levels in design and implementation; filtration and gas cleaning; large premises (prevention of cold air flow penetration into industrial buildings; draught and cold in industrial buildings); push-pull ventilation techniques; future technologies and visions (room air conditioning strategy); computational fluid dynamics in local applications; air distribution in rooms; specialized ventilation technologies.


  • Titre original : Progress in modern ventilation. Ventilation 2000. Proceedings of the 6th International symposium on ventilation for contaminant control.
  • Organisateur : Finn. Inst. occup. Health, NIEMELÄ R., RAILIO J., SUNDQUIST E., et al.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2001-2582
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Nombre de communications : 34
  • Édition : Finnish institute of occupational health - Finlande/Finlande
  • ISBN : 9518023638
  • Source : Source : 2 vol.; 235 + 237 p. (21 x 29.7); fig.; tabl.; ref.; index; FIM 270 + postage
  • Type de conférence : Autre conférence (non IIF)
  • Notes :

    Proc. Vent. 2000, Helsinki

  • Document disponible en consultation à la bibliothèque du siège de l'IIF uniquement.


Voir les communications (34)