Historique du programme du NIST sur les frigorigènes. I. Cycles des mélanges zéotropiques et transfert de chaleur.

The history of NIST's refrigerants programme. I. Zeotropic mixture cycles and heat transfer.

Auteurs : DIDION D. A.


This collection of 75 papers presented at the ASHRAE 2001 Annual Meeting, held in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, on June 24-27, includes the complete collection of symposium and technical papers as well as discussion questions and answers for every paper. Topics: air velocity measurements in non-ideal flow conditions; aspects of secondary fluid systems and space conditioning in supermarkets; design issues for geothermal heat pumps; use of computational fluid dynamics in heat exchanger design; issues in window condensation resistance; the effect of safety factors on pump selection and performance; applied heat pump/heat recovery concepts for the new millennium; experimental validation of multizone network airflow models; NIST centennial-celebrating 100 years of NIST-ASHRAE cooperation; better inputs for better outputs; psychrometrics at extreme conditions.


  • Titre original : The history of NIST's refrigerants programme. I. Zeotropic mixture cycles and heat transfer.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2003-1136
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : ASHRAE Transactions. 2001 annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio. Volume 107, part 2 + CD-ROM.
  • Date d'édition : 24/06/2001
  • Document disponible en consultation à la bibliothèque du siège de l'IIF uniquement.


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