Marché du transport frigorifique routier.

UK refrigerated road transport market.

Auteurs : TechNavio

Type de monographie : Brochure


According to a recent TechNavio Insights study on the UK refrigerated road transport market study, the estimated total number of refrigerated road transport vehicles in the UK, in 2008, was around 140 000. The number of vehicles in the UK is expected to grow at an average rate of 2% per annum until 2012. Around 72% of the fleet is rented and 28% is owned, generally by large retail companies. Most refrigerated transport road vehicles in the UK now use R-404A. The global road freight transport is expected to grow 2.5% per year until 2030. Europe handles 20% of total global freight, 3% of which is refrigerated. Currently, there are around 12 million refrigerated vehicles. North America has the largest share of refrigerated vehicles (around 60%), followed by Europe, with 20%. This report provides an insight into the global industry and a detailed analysis of the UK refrigerated road transport industry. It provides forecasts from 2008-2012. The segmentation of the market on the basis of rental/hired and owned vehicles and capacities of the vehicles can be conferred from the report. It analyses the trends in the pricing of rental/hired, contracted, or purchased vehicles. In addition, the percentage of rental/hired and owned vehicles as well as the growth drivers and inhibitors of the industry are discussed. The major players are also profiled.


  • Titre original : UK refrigerated road transport market.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2009-1414
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Sujet : Chiffres, économie
  • Édition : - États-unis/États-unis
  • Date d'édition : 02/2009
  • Source : Source : 21 p. (21 x 29.7); fig.; tabl.; EUR 1200.