Document IIF

Méthode prédictive de la charge en frigorigène reposant sur le tirage au vide validée avec des systèmes de pompes à chaleur résidentiels et commerciaux.

A refrigerant charge prediction method based on pump down operation validated using residential and commercial heat pump systems.

Numéro : 1298



The refrigerant charge fault detection and diagnostics can enhance energy efficiency. This research develops a charge prediction method for heat pumps based on pump-down commissioning. During pump-down, a valve at the liquid line closes, and the refrigerant in the evaporator, lines, and buffers, i.e., receiver and accumulator, is pumped to the condenser. The method calculates the total charge by adding three components: condenser charge during static-state operation, migrated charge via the compressor, and migrated charge via a 4-way valve. The condenser charge is predicted using a segment-by-segment heat exchanger model calibrated to reduce the discrepancies caused by void fraction model selection. The migrated charge via compressor is determined by monitoring suction and discharge pressures and temperatures and the compressor map, while the charge via a 4-way valve is calculated from a valve model driven by pressure differential. Validation tests on residential and commercial heat pumps showed that the method predictions were within 6% accuracy.

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Pages : 11 p.


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    20 €

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  • Titre original : A refrigerant charge prediction method based on pump down operation validated using residential and commercial heat pump systems.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30032773
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Sujet : Technologie
  • Source : 16th IIR-Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants (GL2024). Proceedings. University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA, August 11-14 2024
  • Date d'édition : 08/2024
  • DOI :


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