Mise au point d'un dispositif de mesure de la viscosité pour des mélanges de frigorigènes à faible point d'ébullition.

[In Chinese. / En chinois.]

Auteurs : YUAN X., GAO Z., WANG X., et al.

Type d'article : Article


According to the need for viscosity measurement of refrigerant mixtures, a new rotatable capillary viscometer is developed and designed. It is adequate for the viscosity investigation of the low boiling point liquid mixtures. A rotatable capillary viscometer is embedded in a pressure vessel. It combines the rotation method and the pressure vessel to realize the continuous experiment and eliminates the error brought from the deflation, which can repeat the viscosity measurement of the low boiling point liquid mixtures in the high pressure. The rotatable capillary viscometer was calibrated by R22 and R290 and checked by R410A. According to the results, the relative deviation of the viscometer has been controlled to be less than 0.81%.

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Pages : 1-6


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