Document IIF

Modélisation dynamique et simulation d'un refroidisseur à absorption à double effet fonctionnant au bromure de lithium et chauffé au gaz.

Dynamic modelling and simulation of a gas-fired double-effect lithium bromide absorption chiller.

Auteurs : FU D., LU Z., FAN L., et al.


Dynamic modelling and simulation of a gas-fired double-effect lithium bromide absorption chiller are presented, when it is disturbed by the changes of some running parameters, such as the mass flow rates or temperatures of entering cooling or chilled water, and the gas consumption rate is changing. The dynamic mathematical models of each component, as well as the whole system of the absorption chiller, are established. A simulation software has also been developed with FORTRAN and VB languages such that the geometry details, entering cooling and chilled water parameters, gas consumption rate, as well as the solution circulation rate of the chiller can be specified by the users. The dynamic responses of the chiller are investigated with the developed simulation software and the results are validated by the experimental data obtained when the temperature of entering cooling water is descending. The relationships between the gas consumption rate and the temperatures of entering cooling or chilled water are also investigated when a stable leaving chilled water temperature is needed.

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  • Titre original : Dynamic modelling and simulation of a gas-fired double-effect lithium bromide absorption chiller.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2004-2221
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : 21st IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Serving the Needs of Mankind.
  • Date d'édition : 17/08/2003


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