Document IIF
Optimisation énergétique d'un système à pompe à chaleur géothermique utilisé pour le chauffage et le refroidissement d'un immeuble de bureaux.
Energy optimization of a ground source heat pump system for heating and cooling in an office building.
The aim of the paper is to examine the influence of the frequency of the water circulation pumps of the indoor (water distribution system) and outdoor (ground source) loops in the overall system performance in order to make an energy optimization. The paper first presents an analysis of the problem and the reasons for the existence of an optimum. Second, it presents the layout of the system, and describes the instrumentation employed. The cold (summer)/hot (winter) water is supplied to a series of fancoil units conveniently distributed in the conditioned area of the building. The ground heat exchanger is composed of 6 boreholes, 50 m deep each. After presenting the system, a sample of the performance of the system along one day is presented and discussed. Previous experimental campaigns consisting of fixing a constant frequency for each circulation pump along a whole day indicated a high potential for energy savings. However, intrinsical variation of the ambient conditions and of the conditions of usage induced variations in the performance which do not allow an accurate estimation of the energy savings due to the pump speed optimization. The experimental optimization studies presented in the paper consisted of several tests of pseudo-random sequence of frequency steps for both internal and external circulation pumps carried out during a single day. For this purpose, two frequency inverters were installed. This method allowed finding an optimal operating frequency for the circulation pumps, which improves the system performance and provides energy savings. Results clearly indicate a large energy savings potential for this installation type if frequency inverters are used to vary the speed of the circulation pumps and an integrated intelligent control is applied.
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Format PDF
Pages : 93-102
Prix public
20 €
Prix membre*
* meilleur tarif applicable selon le type d'adhésion (voir le détail des avantages des adhésions individuelles et collectives)
- Titre original : Energy optimization of a ground source heat pump system for heating and cooling in an office building.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 30001141
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : Sources/sinks Alternative to the Outside Air for Heat Pump and Air-conditioning Techniques (Alternative Sources - AS), Padua, Italy, April 5-7, 2011. / International Sorption Heat Pump Conference (ISHPC11), Padua, Italy, April 6-8, 2011.
- Date d'édition : 05/04/2011
- Voir les traductions : Optimización energética de un sistema de calefacción y refrigeración con bomba de calor geotérmica en un edificio de oficinas.
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