Performance commerciale à long terme des pompes à chaleur géothermiques. 2. Boucles enterrées, pompes, air de ventilation et régulation.

Long-term commercial GSHP performance. 2. Ground loops, pumps, ventilation air and controls.


Type d'article : Article


Ground heat exchanger performance is a critical factor in ground source heat pump (GSHP) system success. The ground heat exchanger type for all but one of the systems surveyed were vertical highdensity polyethylene single U-tubes. Bore length (Lb) is used as a primary indicator, although there are several other factors that affect performance including ground thermal properties (temperature, conductivity, and diffusivity), vertical bore separation, conductivity of the annular grout/fill, integrity of the grout/fill placement, and heat exchanger type. Some scatter in the results is expected since these characteristics varied from site to site and was often not available.